Friday, November 18, 2005

Kal-El can save us

Ya'll, I just watched the teaser trailer for the new Superman movie, "Superman Returns." I gotta say, it looks pretty cool and the premise is a good one. Apparently, Superman has been out in space for a few years and comes back to help out us earthlings. It totally disregards the existence of the original II-IV films, so that's cool.

I do have a problem with the actress they chose to play Lois Lane. They've picked Kate Bosworth, of all people. When I first read the name, I recognized it, but couldn't place her face. After looking her up, I realize how this could be...she seems to be completely unremarkable in every way. I've seen her in a couple of roles and she's never come of as interesting at all. Looks pretty boring... Even Margot Kidder was kinda hot in a weird way, and Terri Hatcher certainly was. Hopefully, this will be my only complaint about the film when it comes out. It should be a great movie since Brian Singer is the director and he did a great job with the X-Men films.

Seeing the trailer and hearing the voiceover from the original of Marlon Brando talking to his son, it made me ponder something. If Superman was just a normal person from Krypton, and he had all these super powers, then didn't everybody on his home planet have those same powers? Why didn't they just all fly away from the impending destruction? Or did the planet make them normal, since kryptonite took his powers away? I'm not big into comic books and stuff, and it's been a really long time since I saw the movie, so I'm not sure about this. Feel free to correct me, anyone.

On a completely unrelated note, this website has been in my favorites folder for at least a couple of years. If you don't feel at least a little bit of happiness while looking at these pictures, then you are soulless. Enjoy.

Oh yeah, I'm quite excited to see the new Harry Potter movie tonight. Should be great. The new Johnny Cash movie may be in order this weekend, as well.

It's official

You are a

Social Liberal
(70% permissive)

and an...

Economic Liberal
(11% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid
Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test

I've taken this test before and I'm always a socialist. I guess some people might think that's a bad thing, but hey, I like Canada and Scandinavian countries.

Sorry to get all political all of the sudden. I promise to bring the funny soon.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Check it

Peeps. I recently came across this blog and responded quite viciously below. Feel free to check it out and give your 2 cents, if any of you actually read this shit anymore. Especially you lawyer people. You know who you are. I'd like to get some good discussions going with people that are at the opposite end of the spectrum. However , I'm not actually sure if this is healthy or necessary as we'll probably just argue in circles...

I've converted

I'm sorry, loyal blogreaders. When I said all that stuff a few days ago, I wasn't thinking clearly and I hadn't yet listened to the amazingly rational Right Brothers. I'm sure, like myself, these fine musicians' songs will change your minds, evil liberals. Be sure to check out the song clips and video. Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


I just read the quips of some real conservative assholes that happen to be friends of a friend on a team-style blog in the vein of 4ks. Now, all of the guys on this blog are not assholes and the ones I think are assholes are probably not assholes all of the time. However, I tend to get a little frustrated when reading ridiculous things like "Reagan was the greatest" and bullshit like that. It just pisses me off to no end.

So anyway, I just wanted everybody to know that asshole Republicans suck and they need to go fuck themselves instead of putting people like themselves in power so they can fuck everybody.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

"Shocking" news from Iraq...

The U.S. has been using napalm and white phosphorus in Iraq. The video link on there is pretty damn crazy, by the way. I don't recommend watching it if you're squeamish or anything.

Dreams do come true

I've always wanted to see Bobbi Brown and Mike Tyson dressed in Halloween costumes singing "Monster Mash" together. This is exactly how I pictured it in my dreams.

In other news, I seem to be in a state of flux. I've got a lot of crazy ideas going through my head right now, and most of them are fairly outlandish and quite possibly harmful to my person if carried out. So, yeah. Anyway, I might go away for a while or something. Who knows? All I know is that this ain't cuttin' it and I need to do something soon. Any ideas for interesting jobs?

Do any of my lawyer friends wanna hire a brotha?

Fuck your favorite band, Matt

They're no match for The National and this proves it.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Sigur Ros fans...take note

Here's a link to an NPR show that plays a whole Sigur Ros concert from earlier this year. Thought some people might like to hear it.


Here's some random crap that I saw today...

Here's a crazy video about what happens when 30 hornets attack a hive of 30,000 bees. Watch the massacre!

This is what happens when med students get bored.

And finally, hopefully many of you have seen this before, but just in case you haven''s a classic clip from Mr. Will Ferrell playing Bush on the ranch. It's damn fine comedy.

I think I may go camping this weekend with some people. Hopefully that'll work out.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Boy Wizard

Well, if some people didn't see me Saturday, I looked like this. Apparently, I look "portly" in this shot, according to my dearest mother. Thanks, mom.

Here are some of the things people thought I was dressed up like: Frankenstein(some Indian dude outside the liquor store), "Capeman," Dracula, and Zorro(all from a student worker at work).

I did happen to spot my nemesis, Mr. Huevos McGringo out on the town Saturday night. He claims he was dressed up as me. I have to say that he failed miserably in his attempt. Sorry, ace, but that wig was pretty damn terrible and made you look like the dude from the Counting Crows. A lot of people think it's pretty weird that somebody dressed up as me for Halloween, and I have to agree. It seems to be bordering on obsession, and that's kinda creepy.

Trick or Treaters

I forgot to tell you people about halloween night at our humble abode on the affluent University Dr. It seems that every parent in Athens loads up their van with all the kids they know and come to my street to go trick or treating. I realized this after I had been giving out candy for less than an hour and was already out of the 3 huge bags of stuff that I got in preparation...

One of my friends was on the way over, so I asked him to get a couple of more bags. After going to many stores that were out of candy, he finally bought a couple. When he got to our house, I started giving out candy again. I think it lasted 5-10 minutes. They come in huge waves and they gobble up everything they can get.

Our very last trick or treater was my favorite, though. He runs up just as I was about to save the last little pack of peanut M&Ms for my roommate and yells "I'm the Mean Bean!" And that he was. It was a great costume and deserving of some peanut M&Ms, so he got them. Then he yelled "muchas gracias!" in an awesome southern accent. It was great.

Then I fell asleep in my Harry Potter costume at 9:30. So hardcore.

Those Crazy Germans!

This video is from one of those cheesy practical joke shows, but I still think it's funny because you get to hear Germans screeming and stuff.

Not too much to report, ya'll. I played the greatest video game of all time last night and I'll most likely be playing it again tonight. Star Wars Battlefront 2, fellas. Go get it if you have the means. I do not have the means at the current juncture, so I have to play at my friend's house. Yes, I am a geek. I do not deny it.

We also have a new roommate. He hasn't totally moved in yet, but it looks like he's gonna be an awesome addition to the house.