Thursday, August 18, 2005

More randomness

Hey ya'll, I know it's been a while since I rapped at ya...

I've recently been somewhat of a shut-in as I have no money and need to stay away from downtown because I know that I'll just buy crap that I don't need. Since I've been home a lot, there has been much rearranging of my room and house. I'm trying to stay as productive as possible while leaving time to bust ass in probably the greatest video game that I have ever played, God of War. Seriously. It's fucking awesome. Play it.

In other linky-news, I'd like for you to check out this pretty funny Starbucks commercial.

Here's something for the politically inclined. There's a documentary coming out about oil and stuff. There are a lot of clips on this page and it's worth looking into. Apparently, the largest factory in Afghanistan is owned by the Red Cross and makes prosthetic limbs.

I've also been reading some C.S. Lewis lately. Pretty good stuff. I lead an exciting life, it's true.


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