Friday, September 09, 2005


I am currently entangled in an online war with douchebags on the red and black website. I try not to read this paper very much, but as the article in question pertains to my life, I read it and felt the need to add some points. Other people obviously disagree with me. So, read it if you want and please discuss...


Blogger tuppenhut said...

Wow, things did get pretty heated there. Some of those people are really, really tacky.

4:02 PM

Blogger KP said...

major props, saucepop. your first post was especially right on.

i also liked what the other library employee said to Senor Gardner: "if people didn't study writing, there'd be no r & b for you to spew ignorance to." all you have to do is pick up the ajc editorial section, on just about any given day, and see the same kind of crap that the r & b prints on a smaller scale. at the price of "showing both sides of an issue," they print complete hogwash from disreputable assholes. The other thing that really bothers me is Garner is payed (probably well) to preach the gospel of less government. I'm glad to see, Saucy, that you're doing your part to speak out against that bullshit brainwashing.

i also really enjoyed F. Smythe Huntington IV's post: especially "Transcend the antics of the worthless swine, especially that rabble rousing "Mr." Sellers." ha ha.

after all this typing, i better get back to the nap that gov. perdue has so graciously given me.


1:06 PM

Blogger sauce said...

yeah, smythe is one of my coworkers. haha. not his real name, of course.

8:26 AM


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